While writing the website code in Sublime Text 3, it lacks for Auto-Saving the code. Repeatedly saving of code lead to less efficiency of the web coder. To over come this a plugin named Auto-Save can be installed. To install the plugin follows the steps given below. Steps to install and enable Auto-Save: Step 1 : Sublime Text 3 >> Preferences >> Package Control >> Install Package >> Auto-Save Step 2 : Preferences >> Package Setting >> Auto-Save >> Key Bindings-User A file will open and copy the below code to the file. It will bind commands to turn the plugin on or off. [ {"keys":["ctrl+alt+s"],"command":"auto_save" ] and now save this file. To toggle it for only the current file, and instruct to make a backup of the file instead of saving the file itself, you could add: [ {"keys": ["ctrl+al...