This blog belongs to me " TRISHANK SINGH MAHUR". I am an under graduate final year student pursuing B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. I am interested and working in the field of Automation and Robotics. In this blog I will be sharing my knowledge related to engineering and technologies which I have learnt. Also the details of all my project will be posted on this blog.
Being an Electrical and Electronics Engg. I have knowledge about Electrical as well as Electronics, but I have not restricted myself to these domains only, I have gained knowledge about Computer Science domain also. I am continuously learning and making vast my knowledge and skill set. I have learned MATLAB, EagleCAD, AutoCad Electrical, PLC, Arduino, Programming (C, C++, Python), Markup languages i.e, Front End Web Designing ( HTML, CSS, JavaScript ), Back-end( SQL, PHP ).

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