
Showing posts from May, 2020

How to disable VLC Media Player Flashing Pop-Up track notification on Taskbar

Sometimes it becomes hectic when the next video in a playlist is playing in the backgroung and VLC media player is flashing pop up track notification on the Taskar. This can be disabled as follows: Go to  Tools -> Preferences   (set Show Settings to All at bootom left corner) The similar dialog box will appear. Now go to Main interfaces -> Qt Choose "Never" in the drop down menu named Show notification popup on track change. Press Save to save VLC settings and restart VLC after that to make sure changes are enabled.

Excel with VBA-Excel

VBA stands for Visual Basic for Application. It is an event driven programming language used with MS-Excel, MS-Word. Accessing the VBA editor Go to File>> Option >> Customize Ribbon >>   Tick Developer >> Press OK Click on Developer Ribbon and then click on Visual Basic.   Shortcut: Press ALT+F11 This is the VBA interface.   Writing the first Code ( Custom Formula) In VBA code is written in Modules. So, Modules can be inserted by navigating to Insert >> Module. Now in Module, Procedures are written. These are group of instructions (statements). There are two types of Procedure:  a) Sub  b) Function These both eliminates the need of writing the same from multiple times. This allows to make custom user defined functions. Here is the example of a user defined function in excel. So, the code snippet c...

Open Broadcast Software ( OBS ) - VirtualCam | Google meet | Zoom | Other video conferencing App

In the previous blog, basic OBS was introduced and learnt that how to stream on YouTube using OBS.  Now suppose we want to share the video output in real time on video conferencing platform like Google Meet/ Hangout, Zoom, Facebook or any other app/website that use camera of the computer device. This can be resolved using the OBS as a VirtualCam. Means that the output of the OBS is available as a virtual camera. Thus, in the setting of individual platform of video conferencing , only requirement is to change the camera from the main camera to the OBS-VirtualCam. In this blog the procedure to setup the OBS-VirtualCam will be discussed further. Setting up the OBS-VirtualCam: Browse to the Resources section in the OBSproject website or follow the link  , Download the plugin and install it while closing the OBS. Now open OBS and check under the Tools menu the VirtualCam option will be available. This means...